About Aaron

Product design director and all around nice guy.

My career is centered on product design and leadership. I've worked in small boutique agencies, big global media companies, startups, non-profits and consulting. Over that time, four things have come into focus that help me make all kinds of decisions – big and small.


I value design that honors the fundamentals and prioritizes clarity.


I value honest, inclusive design that avoids harm to people or any sentient being.


I value design driven by meaningful ideals.


I value design that is supported by research and testing.

I used to speak about some of these ideas at conferences around the world. These days, though, I do much more listening than talking.

To keep things interesting, I moonlight as a 3D artist and animator. It gets me thinking from different angles (literally). You can check out some of my work if you like.

Away from screens I like to travel to new places around the world and learn as much as I can about them. I'm also fascinated by how weird (and faulty) the human mind can be, so I love studying why people do what they do and believe what they believe. Some of that comes in handy when design things that humans use.

Still here? Lots more in this interview by Lovers Magazine.

©2023 Aaron Weyenberg

Made by me with Framer

About Aaron

Product design director and all around nice guy.

My career is centered on product design and leadership. I've worked in small boutique agencies, big global media companies, startups, non-profits and consulting. Over that time, four things have come into focus that help me make all kinds of decisions – big and small.


I value design that honors the fundamentals and prioritizes clarity.


I value honest, inclusive design that avoids harm to people or any sentient being.


I value design driven by meaningful ideals.


I value design that is supported by research and testing.

I used to speak about some of these ideas at conferences around the world. These days, though, I do much more listening than talking.

To keep things interesting, I moonlight as a 3D artist and animator. It gets me thinking from different angles (literally). You can check out some of my work if you like.

Away from screens I like to travel to new places around the world and learn as much as I can about them. I'm also fascinated by how weird (and faulty) the human mind can be, so I love studying why people do what they do and believe what they believe. Some of that comes in handy when design things that humans use.

Still here? Lots more in this interview by Lovers Magazine.

©2023 Aaron Weyenberg

Made by me with Framer

About Aaron

Product design director and all around nice guy.

My career is centered on product design and leadership. I've worked in small boutique agencies, big global media companies, startups, non-profits and consulting. Over that time, four things have come into focus that help me make all kinds of decisions – big and small.


I value design that honors the fundamentals and prioritizes clarity.


I value honest, inclusive design that avoids harm to people or any sentient being.


I value design driven by meaningful ideals.


I value design that is supported by research and testing.

I used to speak about some of these ideas at conferences around the world. These days, though, I do much more listening than talking.

To keep things interesting, I moonlight as a 3D artist and animator. It gets me thinking from different angles (literally). You can check out some of my work if you like.

Away from screens I like to travel to new places around the world and learn as much as I can about them. I'm also fascinated by how weird (and faulty) the human mind can be, so I love studying why people do what they do and believe what they believe. Some of that comes in handy when design things that humans use.

Still here? Lots more in this interview by Lovers Magazine.

©2023 Aaron Weyenberg

Made by me with Framer